Child Baptism

We will work together to find the right words and elements that respect your wishes as well as the “Rite of Baptism”. Few things bring greater joy to our hearts or a smile to our faces then praying for and blessing a child through a Baptism.

Your child will receive a Baptismal Candle that will be used during the ceremony and a beautiful signed and sealed Baptismal Certificate that you can have framed or add to their Memory Book.

We do ask that you provide a small table with a white table cloth over it and a white hand towel for the ceremony. We also ask that you have the child dressed in White. The White Garment represents the purity of Christ.

For the Baptism we will supply the a Baptismal Font that will be filled with water that the Minister will say a Sacred Blessing to ask God to transform it into Holy Water. We will also supply a pitcher to pour the Holy Water from and the Chrism Oil to anoint your child.

*Please Note: Everyone being Baptized would receive their own Baptismal Candle to keep and a signed and sealed Baptismal Certificate.

adult baptism

Sometimes, people find their way to belief when they are older. We enjoy ministering at these kind of heart-touching, reverent events; helping individuals commit their life to God through a Baptism.

We can discuss what has brought you to this point in your life, what is expected of you and what you can expect from this celebration of your renewed spiritual life. Let’s work together to find the right words, to express what is in your heart along with the “Rite of Baptism”.

You will receive a Baptismal Candle that will be used during the ceremony and a beautiful Baptismal Certificate that you can have framed or add to your Memory Book.

We do ask that you provide a small table with a white table cloth over it and a white hand towel for the ceremony.

For the Baptism, we will supply a Baptismal Font that will be filled with water that the Minister will say a Sacred Blessing to ask God to transform it into Holy Water. We will also supply a pitcher to pour the Holy Water from, and the Chrism Oil to anoint you.